
A Message from our Trust Board Chairman, Chris Lawton
Welcome to our new website! We are still working hard on our new website to make sure it is an effective tool for us to use to communicate with the patrollers.
A blog is the collection of writings, articles or matters of interest that are relevant to Community Patrols of New Zealand, the patrols and patrollers as well as the partners we work with and the communities we serve.
We will regularly upload patrol related commentary, providing thoughts, concerns, bouquets (especially) and brickbats (maybe), but importantly it will be to encourage meaningful thought (maybe even discussion) about aspects related to the safety and security of people in our communities.
In other areas of our website we will have regular updates from the office for administration and operational matters. Also check out our articles on ‘Partnerships’ and ‘Police and Patrollers’. In these areas we celebrate our successes and share the news and stories about our work with all of our partners, new one’s such as ‘Aged Concern’ and existing ones such as the Police and Neighbourhood Support NZ.
Keep an eye on our facebook site also. There are lots of good stories there and we link to many of the patrol facebook sites to enable us to see what great things they are doing.
Check out the training section on the website. It will take you to the online training programme, or you can download the assessments and complete them yourself.
We will have lots of good stuff online for you all, but feel free to send us your stories, whether long or short and we will get them online for you. Remember – many people will be looking at us online, members of the public, people in our communities as well as police, government and others. Let’s tell them what we do and celebrate the fantastic things that patrollers do.
Happy reading from the Trust Board and Operations/Administration team.