Tasman District Support Officer Marty Price
was out supporting his district’s Patrols in
February at an event called Cops ‘n’ Cakes. To
tell us about his experiences, Marty has given
the following statement:
“Cop’s n Cakes was held at Saxton Field on
Saturday 21st February and included many
emergency services throughout our region,
all three Community Patrols from Richmond,
Motueka & Nelson attended. Amongst those
attending was Fenz, Police, White Ribbon,
NESA, Landsar and many more. There was a
variety of activities for the kids as well as
displays by Fenz with their Kitchen Fire &
cutting of a car.
Our Patrols enjoyed being part of this also
handing out leaflets and showing off our
three vehicles to the kids and even the adults
were so keen, some have even applied to join
our Patrols. A great day had by all, and yes,
there were some nice cupcakes to eat.”
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