Like many organisations Covid has really trod on the coffers, affecting us all in one way or another.
Our particular Patrol always looked forward to an Annual Fireworks Display, here in Taupo. Selling glow sticks, and being a ‘Lost property/child’ gazebo stall was always our big fundraiser. We enjoyed our social team work and we raised just enough funds to see us through another year.
With this event being cancelled 2 years in a row, our bank balance looked rather sad, and a need to think outside the square! Our town holds a fantastic Market day each Sunday, with space for one Stall, free, for those organisations helping the local community. So we promptly applied and were accepted. At the same time, a large Gazebo was kindly donated to us which was perfect to pitch on the day for our donated goods from our Patrollers.
We gave one month’s notice to members to donate items and in they came thick and fast to Julie and Martin Ginn’s garage… the end, one car had to sit outside! Items were cleaned and tidied up and then priced. Scones were furiously baked then frozen, selling at $2 each, we raised $150 alone on just those! Our items to name just a few consisted of 5 x bikes, books, bird nesting boxes, sun umbrellas, 3 x kayaks, plants, scones, many good games, 2 x wet suits, children’s toys, and even some laying hens from a member of our Patrol who has an excess of laying hens and roosters! Our “example’ clucky chicken sat in her cage on top of a golden egg and golf ball, happy as anything getting lots of water and attention from everyone!
We started at 7 am, and it was basically all go from then onwards. Our Patrol car sat proudly next to our gazebo and we were ready to talk to anyone interested in our Community Patrol. Banners were also put up, and made a definite statement of who we were. The support was overwhelming, we had people just making donations. We also had our story put into our local paper a few days prior and that was a great help to us.
We finished at 1.30 pm and raised $1600. We had NO outgoings, everything was donated, and of course, the site was cost-free as well. Was it worth it? You bet it was! It was a glorious day, fun all around. Definitely worth the effort.
The story reported by Julie Ginn

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