This statement was originally published in the May 2021 Patroller Briefing.

Thank you to all who provided excellent feedback on the EEE conference in Palmerston North. EEE indicated the upcoming focussed approach to training leadership in CPNZ Patrols. It is about time that we did this. To both provide better support, and recognise Patrols for the efforts that those in leadership positions put into this organisation.

It’s time we have training available for those who want to step up. Far better we prepare people for leadership positions that let them go in unprepared.

A plan for the training of Patrol Leaders will be available by the AGM in June. This should clearly outline the what, when and how of the training delivered, and to whom. Also, please recognise that in this context, Patrol Leader refers to all those that step up and help run the Patrol. From Patrol Leader, Secretary, Treasurer, OSH, and Training officers, as well as future leaders.

Along with our leadership training plans, the Trust Board is recognising Patrol Leaders that retire or step up to the position, by way of a thank you letter. We believe it’s worthy to recognize the considerable effort that you all put into your Patrol, and the relevance this has to us as a national organisation.

We have also received a lot of feedback on the Best Practice Manual. Overall, feedback has been positive, but some negatives are also highlighted. We value all feedback, so keep it coming. Developing a document like this takes a lot of time and effort. While we have got the main body of the work done, we recognise it is the first draft. So, as mentioned at the EEE, we are keen for your feedback.

Lastly, I encourage you all to go into the Leadership section of the Members tab of the CPNZ website. Here you can see a video of Police Commissioner Andrew Coster. He speaks very highly of CPNZ, in particular the leadership shown by Patrol Leaders.